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Glenn Beck

  • 3 facts the Left wishes you forgot about Kamala's track record

    Glenn Beck Jul 27, 2024 | 10:53 am

    3 facts the Left wishes you forgot about Kamala's track record Every day it seems more and more likely that Vice President Kamala Harris is bound to become the Democratic nominee. Maybe there will be some switch-out at the DNC, but for now, we should prepare ourselves for a Trump-Harris faceoff in November. Most people know Kamala for her awkward demeanor, her tendency to cackle at inappropriate times, and her deep love for yellow school buses. But Glenn has reminded us that behind those cringe-worthy speeches[…]

  • No, Democrats, Calling VP Kamala Harris a ‘DEI Candidate’ Is NOT Racist | Ep 365

    Glenn Beck Jul 26, 2024 | 20:43 pm

    President Biden spewed several lies during his first public address to the nation since dropping out of the 2024 presidential race — like saying he’s "never forgotten" that protecting our union is about "we the people." Hmm, sure, Joe. He also said that his administration reflects the image of America, using his nomination of the first black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court as an example. But if Biden is so proud of filling a[…]

  • Did Kamala Harris SURRENDER Her VP Pick to the Obamas?

    Glenn Beck Jul 26, 2024 | 19:27 pm

    Barack and Michelle Obama have finally endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democrat Party’s 2024 presidential nominee. But what took them so long? Glenn has a theory: their endorsement wasn’t free. Did the Obamas only endorse Harris after she agreed to let THEM choose her Vice President? Glenn explains why he believes that the Obamas wanted Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, not Harris, and may force him onto the 2024 ticket. TranscriptBelow is a[…]

  • Washington Post EXPOSED: How Watergate editors almost published a fake Pulitzer Prize-winning story

    Glenn Beck Jul 26, 2024 | 00:29 am

    Washington Post EXPOSED: How Watergate editors almost published a fake Pulitzer Prize-winning story Episode 6 of Glenn’s new history podcast series The Beck Story releases this Saturday. This latest installment explores the history of Left-wing bias in mainstream media. Like every episode of this series, episode 6 is jam-packed with historical detail, but you can’t squeeze in every story, so some inevitably get cut from the final version. Part of this episode involves the late Ben Bradlee, who was the legendary editor of the Washington Post. Bradlee is[…]

  • America Has Taken a BEATING. But We Must "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

    Glenn Beck Jul 25, 2024 | 21:49 pm

    It’s been a long 3 weeks. America has been beaten and shocked day after day. There was Biden’s disastrous debate, the failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the Secret Service’s failure to uncover why it happened, Biden’s flip-flop on the 2024 presidential race, the Democrat elites’ coronation of Kamala Harris, and most recently, the pro-Hamas riots in Washington, DC. If the events of the last 3 weeks had happened in the Soviet Union, we would[…]

  • The REAL Threat to America: Pro-Hamas DC Riot or Jan 6?

    Glenn Beck Jul 25, 2024 | 18:57 pm

    Pro-Palestine protesters took over parts of Washington, DC, to show their hatred of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blaze Media national correspondent Julio Rosas was on the ground to document it. Julio tells Glenn how the protesters spray painted monuments with messages like “Hamas is coming,” tore down American flags at Union Station and replaced them with Palestinian flags, and burned the American flags. He also recounts the heroic actions of the US Park[…]

  • UPDATED: 5 Democrats who have endorsed Kamala (and one who hasn't)

    Glenn Beck Jul 25, 2024 | 17:38 pm

    UPDATED: 5 Democrats who have endorsed Kamala (and one who hasn't) With Biden removed from the 2024 election and only a month to find a replacement before the DNC, Democrats continue to fall in line and back Vice President Kamala Harris to headline the party's ticket. Her proximity and familiarity with the Biden campaign along with an endorsement from Biden sets Harris up to step into Biden's shoes and preserve the momentum from his campaign. Glenn doesn't think Kamala Harris is likely to survive as the[…]

  • POLL: Will we ever know the FULL truth of the attempted Trump assassination?

    Glenn Beck Jul 25, 2024 | 13:50 pm

    POLL: Will we ever know the FULL truth of the attempted Trump assassination? Despite the promises of transparency by the federal agencies charged with the investigation of the assassination attempt on Trump, the lack of information on the motives of the shooter and the perceived unwillingness of these agencies to cooperate with Congress has already left the waters murky. Glenn has pointed out several massive gaps in information surrounding the shooting. One can't help but recall all the uncertainty and confusion that still surrounds the JFK assassination and[…]

  • A Complete Sellout?! Harley Davidson's Woke Agenda EXPOSED

    Glenn Beck Jul 24, 2024 | 20:41 pm

    Harley Davidson is seen as an all-American company. But recently, filmmaker Robby Starbuck exposed Harley Davidson's internal commitment to woke DEI initiatives. Starbuck reviews what he found: holding "explicitly racist" anti-white trainings, funding "all ages" Pride events with questionable activities, donating to extremely progressive groups ... "This is a complete sellout of common sense," Glenn says. So, why would Harley Davidson go woke? And will the company reverse course with enough customer backlash? TranscriptBelow is[…]

  • How did Trump's would-be assassin get past Secret Service?

    Glenn Beck Jul 24, 2024 | 20:03 pm

    How did Trump's would-be assassin get past Secret Service? Editor's Note: This article was originally published on Former President Donald Trump on Saturday was targeted in an assassination attempt during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. It occurred just after 6:10 p.m. while Trump was delivering his speech.Here are the details of the “official” story. The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was 20 years old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. He used an AR-15 rifle and managed to reach the rooftop of a nearby[…]

  • Tulsi Gabbard: Why "Anti-Democracy” Elites Are FORCING Kamala Harris on Voters

    Glenn Beck Jul 24, 2024 | 18:12 pm

    The Democrat Party claims to be the champion of "democracy." But Party elites seem to be practically coronating Vice President Kamala Harris to be their 2024 presidential nominee - WITHOUT consulting the voters. Former Democratic presidential candidate-turned-Independent Tulsi Gabbard joins Glenn to explain what's going on: "It is just a facade. [The nomination process has] already been wrapped up." Plus, Gabbard explains why Harris is NOT a moderate "unity" candidate. In fact, she may become[…]

  • POLL: Do you think Trump is going to win the election?

    Glenn Beck Jul 24, 2024 | 14:21 pm

    POLL: Do you think Trump is going to win the election? It feels like all of the tension that has been building over the last four years has finally burst to the surface over the past month. Many predicted 2024 was going to be one of the most important and tumultuous elections in our lifetimes, but the last two weeks will go down in the history books. And it's not over yet.The Democratic National Convention is in August, and while Kamala seems to be the likely[…]

  • "They Basically Let Him Get Shot”: Secret Service Vet Dan Bongino Demands Firings After Trump Attack

    Glenn Beck Jul 23, 2024 | 21:09 pm

    Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino joins Glenn as a guest to review the latest insane revelations about the security failures at the July 13th Trump rally: “They just let the line of sight threat exist…they basically let him get shot.” Bongino and Glenn review some of the basic questions that Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle failed to answer during her congressional hearing: Why didn’t she have a timeline of the day’s events? Why did[…]

  • What is the Secret Service trying to hide about Trump's assassination attempt?

    Glenn Beck Jul 23, 2024 | 20:49 pm

    What is the Secret Service trying to hide about Trump's assassination attempt? This past weekend we were mere inches away from a radically different America than the one we have today. This was the first time a president had been wounded by a would-be assassin since 1981, and the horrific event has many people questioning the competency and motives of the supposedly elite agents trusted with the president's life. The director of the Secret Service apparently knew about the assassin's rooftop before the shooting—and did nothing. Kimberly[…]

  • What we DO and DON'T know about Thomas Matthew Crooks

    Glenn Beck Jul 23, 2024 | 20:27 pm

    What we DO and DON'T know about Thomas Matthew Crooks It has been over a week since 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks narrowly failed to assassinate President Trump while the president gave a speech at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennslyvania. Despite the ongoing investigations, we still know very little about the would-be assassin, which has left many wondering if the agencies involved are limiting the information that Congress and the public are receiving. As Glenn has pointed out, there are still major questions about the[…]

  • Glenn Beck Reacts: Secret Service Director RESIGNS After DISASTROUS Testimony

    Glenn Beck Jul 23, 2024 | 18:42 pm

    Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has finally resigned 10 days after the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. But Glenn says, "that should not close this case by any stretch of the imagination." Glenn and Pat discuss Cheatle's resignation and her disastrous testimony to the House Oversight Committee the day before. TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errorsGLENN: The head of the Secret Service is resigning. Or appears to be resigning. But[…]

  • Who will be Kamala Harris' VP pick?

    Glenn Beck Jul 22, 2024 | 21:26 pm

    Who will be Kamala Harris' VP pick? Over the weekend, President Joe Biden officially dropped out of the 2024 presidential election and put forward his endorsement behind his Vice President Kamala Harris.Glenn recently predicted that Biden would step down due to the mountain of pressure within his party to do so. But now that we are here we are faced with an all-new line of questions, like, who will be the candidate on the Democratic ticket? Who will be their pick for[…]

  • 'Chasing Embers' review: 'This book is a fantastic read that anyone can pick up, but few will be able to put down'

    Glenn Beck Jul 22, 2024 | 21:22 pm

    'Chasing Embers' review: 'This book is a fantastic read that anyone can pick up, but few will be able to put down' Since long before mankind ever began building houses for itself—long before there was ever such a thing as a market or an industry or money, long before the very first organized war rolled itself out across some expanse of coveted land—we’ve been telling stories to each other. Stories of love and of hate, of bravery and cowardice; stories of comedy and stories of sadness; stories of life, and stories of death. Stories of what lies[…]

  • Did These Global Elites PREDICT the Trump Assassination Attempt?

    Glenn Beck Jul 22, 2024 | 21:15 pm

    There's a conspiracy theory going around: Did a firm linked to George Soros, BlackRock, and the Bush family short the stock for the Trump Media & Technology Group on the day before the attempted Trump assassination? So, is there any truth to this? Former investment banker Carol Roth joins Glenn to explain why there's more to this story. Plus, she gives her take on the CrowdStrike outage, whether Trump would make JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie[…]

  • 5 DISTURBING Questions After Biden Dropped Out & Endorsed Kamala Harris

    Glenn Beck Jul 22, 2024 | 18:35 pm

    President Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place. But something doesn’t seem right about this, Glenn says. Glenn reviews the 5 questions that he has after Biden’s announcement: Was Biden forced out and did he get anything in return? Will Kamala Harris actually be the candidate come November? Why didn’t Biden also resign from office? Are the Democrats stuck with Harris because of[…]

  • Glenn Beck’s Message to Liberals After the Trump Assassination Attempt

    Glenn Beck Jul 22, 2024 | 12:58 pm

    In the wake of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump and the media’s turning on President Biden, Glenn extends a hand to those who think differently from him. Have you noticed the media’s narratives turn on a dime? Do you want the madness to end? Well, you’re not alone. But in order to become a truly united country once again, we need to define a few things first: Everyone is claiming the other[…]

  • Five times Glenn had J.D. Vance on his show and where he stands on key issues

    Glenn Beck Jul 22, 2024 | 11:56 am

    Five times Glenn had J.D. Vance on his show and where he stands on key issues We finally have an answer to the long-awaited question of who Trump will pick for his running mate, and it's none other than Ohio Senator and friend of the show, J.D. Vance. At the RNC in Milwaukee, Trump officially accepted the party's nomination as the Republican candidate and announced J.D. Vance as his running mate.Glenn has had Senator Vance on the show several times to discuss everything from DEI to the Southern Border. If you[…]

  • Is THIS the Democrats' Plan to Remove Biden From the 2024 Ticket?

    Glenn Beck Jul 19, 2024 | 20:40 pm

    Rumors are spreading fast that President Biden may soon drop out of the 2024 presidential race. But who would his replacement be? Are the Democrats stuck with Kamala Harris? Will they tap California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Or will their reluctant knight in shining armor, Michelle Obama, be drafted in an open Democratic National Convention? Glenn, Pat, and Stu speculate. Plus, they also discuss whether Biden will step down willingly...or if[…]

  • "I've Never Seen Him Like This": Glenn Beck's Biggest Takeaways From Trump's RNC Speech

    Glenn Beck Jul 19, 2024 | 17:29 pm

    When former President Donald Trump took the stage at the RNC, it was obvious that something had changed. "I've never seen him like this," Glenn says. "He was humbled." Surviving an assassination attempt sure seemed to change him, and made him realize that only God's will matters. But it wasn't just Trump. Glenn says he also has never seen a Republican National Convention like this. Glenn and Stu review why they have hope for the[…]

  • How RFK's example can help our nation in the wake of Trump's attack

    Glenn Beck Jul 19, 2024 | 01:51 am

    How RFK's example can help our nation in the wake of Trump's attack How did you feel last Saturday when you heard the news that a former president of the United States narrowly avoided an assassin's bullet by a mere few inches? Were you angry at the media for their constant demonization of Trump and his conservative contingency? Did you blame the left for curating a political climate that fostered an assassination attempt? In his immediate reaction to the news, Glenn pointed us back to a similar moment[…]

  • Biden's Message of Unity is a LIE if He Doesn't Do THIS For Trump

    Glenn Beck Jul 18, 2024 | 17:50 pm

    After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Democrats including President Biden called for unity and a lowering of the political temperature. But do they really mean it? Senator Mike Lee joins Glenn and Stu to reveal the one thing Biden could do to prove that he’s serious: “It’s really cute for the media and for people on the Left to tell us to take the temperature down when they themselves do quite the opposite of[…]

  • THIS is What Trump is Fighting For

    Glenn Beck Jul 17, 2024 | 20:22 pm

    The Left insists that former president Donald Trump is a fascist, practically akin to Hitler, whose immediate response to nearly being assassinated was to tell his followers to "fight." But Glenn has a different take: Trump clearly wasn't telling his supporters to take to the streets. In fact, Glenn believes there's only two reasons why Trump threw his fist in the air: “Either he’s a psycho or he actually believes in something that’s worth fighting[…]

  • The ONLY Thing the Left Gets Right About "Project 2025"

    Glenn Beck Jul 17, 2024 | 17:58 pm

    Democrats have a new boogeyman: The Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025". They claim that former president Donald Trump has endorsed the program and will use it to turn America into a dystopian fascist dictatorship. But what's actually in Project 2025? The Heritage Foundation's president, Kevin Roberts, joins Glenn to debunk the myths and lies. In fact, he says that the Left has only gotten ONE thing right about Project 2025. TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that[…]

  • UPDATED: Here's everything we know so far about Trump's assassination attempt

    Glenn Beck Jul 17, 2024 | 12:12 pm

    UPDATED: Here's everything we know so far about Trump's assassination attempt A bullet grazed Donald Trump's face, barely missing his head, during an alleged assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania rally Saturday. Footage showed Secret Service rushing the former president off stage with his bloodied face, fist-in air to his supporters, while the alleged shooters were apprehended and dragged out of the rally. Here's what we know about the developing story so far:The shooter was 20-year-old Thomas Matthew CrooksThomas Matthew Crooks was a 20-year-old from Bethel Park,[…]

  • How prepared are YOU for a possible supply chain BREAKDOWN?

    Glenn Beck Jun 12, 2023 | 17:10 pm

    If the banking system collapses, if there’s another worldwide pandemic, or if something else catastrophic occurs that causes a supply chain breakdown, are YOU adequately prepared? In this clip, Glenn gives Stu the ultimate preparedness quiz — which covers questions about water, flashlights, food supplies, and more. So, could YOUR family survive if a crisis hits? Or, perhaps, is it time to head to Costco…? Click HERE to take the quiz for yourself, and enter[…]